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Impact Tester

PSD 150H

PSD 150H
시험규격 DIN EN ISO 148 part 2, DIN 52 186-W 에 근거한 목재의 샤르피 충격시험 전용모델

  • Rigid design, therefore very low vibration and long service life
  • Easily exchangeable hammer edges, support and pendulum hammer
  • 4-digit digital display of absorbed impact energy
  • Increased operating comfort by automatic pendulum lifting and automatic pendulum brake
  • Electrical safety release of the pendulum (two-hand operation)
  • Digital continuous preselection of the working capacity in range from 20% to 100% of the nominal value
  • High-strength hammer edges, hammer edges prepared for instrumentation, automatic specimen centering, and devices for impact-tensile tests are optionally available

경기도 부천시 오정구 석천로 397 (삼정동, 부천테크노파크쌍용3차) 302동 1002호
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